
Okay, so I want to be louder. But HOW? What can I possibly do as an insignificant little Earthling?  

1. Get educated.

Decide which space topics are most important to you, and find out which organizations are working toward those goals. Is it the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)? Is it colonizing Mars? Read up on all of the ongoing projects and pick some that resonate with you. If you want to better understand how NASA projects are funded, we highly recommend Space Advocacy 101 - a free course that The Planetary Society offers:

This course will help you become a top-performing space advocate. You will learn about the internal workings of NASA, how Congress develops major space legislation, and the communication strategies for engaging with your elected officials.

2. Become a member and support those projects.

The Planetary Society is a great place to start. At just $6/month, you’ll have access to all kinds of cool information on their projects, will be the first to know when you can add your name to a future space mission, plus you’ll get a monthly magazine and a cool t-shirt. There are other organizations out there as well that support education and awareness:

3. Vote.

The biggest threat to space exploration is political. Meaning, the people we put in charge are the main barrier to receiving better funding. Let’s ensure that our votes are pushing the boundaries of science and space. We need science-minded individuals in office.

4. Write.

Write to your politicians. The Planetary Society has a section on their website specifically dedicated to this. It may seem futile - but hey, what do you have to lose? They’ve got buttons and pre-drafted letters to make it even easier for you. Be Louder.

5. Talk to people.

It may seem silly, but share your excitement about space with your friends and family. Many people don’t think about space exploration as often as we do, but the moment they see your eyes light up when you tell them we’re about to get photos from the furthest object in the solar system or that we recently sent a spacecraft into the sun, they might just get excited too.